Prototypes, models & mockups in various materials, utilising an extensive range of skills & equipment

A ‘Prototype’ is often used in the product design process
to assist in the development and exploration of design &
manufacturing alternatives.    

There are four basic Prototype models:

Proof of principle prototype

Used to explore a design approach, a range of motion or

Form study prototype

Assists the designer when evaluating the basic size, look and feel of a new product. A prototype provides insight into the ergonomic factors and visual aspects of the products final form.

Visual prototyping

Captures the aesthetic appearance, colour and surface texture of a new product.

Functional prototype

Simulates the final design, aesthetics, material and functionality. The construction of a working, full-scale prototype is the engineers final check for design flaws, allowing last minute improvements before production.

Reasons for Prototyping

  • Proof of concept 
  • Representation of final product
  • Identification of design & manufacturing requirements
  • Reduce the risk of failure
  • Various aspects of the product can be tested, providing early feedback
  • Product quality can be assessed early in the product life cycle.
  • User interaction is available during the design & development process

Exhaust Back Box - Robot End Effector